
Saturday, May 21, 2011

Android Game Alchemy - One of the Free, Exciting and Best Android Games

Alchemy game is one of the free, exciting and best Android games. It is very addictive and when you start playing it then you may not realize how much time is passed. In my earlier posts I have talked about Angry Birds and Solitaire games which are equally entertaining and exciting. If you have not read about those earlier then you can read now at : Ten Best Apps For Android : App 2 - Angry Birds and Ten Best Apps For Android : App 10 - Solitaire .

Alchemy Classic : There are many alchemy games published for Droid as well as PC. Some are online alchemy games and some alchemy games can be played offline as well. Alchemy Classic is one the best, free and entertaining of all these games around. If you have not played Alchemy game earlier or you could not understand how to play it then keep reading. I am going to explain you, how to play this game with example alchemy combinations and you would found this guide useful to start playing alchemy game without wasting any more time. When you start Alchemy Classic you would see the screen shown below.

Android Game Alchemy
Android Game - Alchemy
You may have noticed that there is one message at the bottom of the screen informing that Feint requires network connection. Feint functionality is required when you want to share your score online with others. But it is important to note that you can plan this Alchemy game without network connection as well. So without further wait let's tap Start Game menu item to launch new game.

Android Alchemy Game Table
Android Alchemy Game Table
As you can see in screenshot above when you start a new game you have only four basic elements, Air, Fire, Earth and Water. Alchemy game is all about discovering the alchemy combinations and combining these elements to create new substances. Now you may be wondering which element is Water and which one is Air. This may happen many times while playing game till you remember how a particular element or substance looks like. But it is easy to find the name of an element. Just long press (tap and hold down) an element and it's name is displayed at the top edge of the screen just below the statistics panel.

Alchemy - Element Name
Alchemy - Element Name
In above screenshot, one of the elements is long pressed and it's name, Water is displayed at top of the screen. You can discover the combinations by dragging one element and dropping it on another element. When you create a new element by mixing two or more elements then your score increases as shown in statistic panel in screenshot. Let's  try dragging and dropping elements and create few new elements.

Alchemy Game - Lightning
Alchemy Game - Lightning
Drag Fire element and drop it on Air element. This would create a new Lightning element with nice animation and sound effect. Screenshot above shows Lightning element created by mixing Fire and Air elements. Let's create one more new element.

Alchemy Game - Swamp
Alchemy Game - Swamp
Now drag Water element and drop it on Earth element. This would create Swamp element as shown in screenshot above. Your score would further increase because you have found one more Alchemy combination and created one more element. Now you have two new discoveries Lightning and Swamp. Let's discover few more combinations and create few more elements.

Alchemy Game - Amino Acids
Alchemy Game - Amino Acids
Now drag Lightning element and drop it on Swamp element. This would create Amino Acids element as shown in above screenshot. Your score would further increase with this new discovery.

Now allow me to inform you about the various icons in toolbar at top of the screen. The leftmost icon is used to share your score with world using FeintOpen. The next icon which looks like a cross is used to clear all the Alchemy table by removing all the substances from the table. Next icon is used to undo the last step you performed. The next icon which looks like "i" is used to launch Hint screen as shown in screenshot below.

Alchemy Android Game Hints
Alchemy Android Game Hints
At the top of the Hints screen are radio buttons which you can tap either to see All substances or only Not Opened substances. The list of "Not Opened" substances keep on growing as you discover more and more alchemy game combinations and create newer substances. You can find from Hints screen how many substances you need to mix to create a particular element. For example for creating Volcano you would need to mix two instances of one substance and one more substance which would be different from first one.

The last icon in toolbar looks like a plus sign and is used to add a new element. Tapping this icon invokes a following screen.

Alchemy Game - Add Element
You can tap a check box at the element to mark that element for addition to Alchemy table. Once you mark all elements which you want then tap Add Element button to add those elements to Alchemy table. This way you can add more elements to table and use those to mix for creating new substances. At the bottom of the screen are icons which are used to filter element list and see only specific type of elements namely Primary Substances, Chemicals, Plants, Basic Lifeforms etc.

When you press the menu button of your Android phone then you would see the menus of Alchemy game as shown in screenshot below.

Alchemy Game Menu
Alchemy Game Menu
Reset menu should be used with care because it reset all the progress you have done with Alchemy game so far and takes you back to start a new game with just four basic elements. Clear Game Space menu is same as tapping the cross icon in toolbar. Add Elements menu is also same as tapping add element icon in toolbar.

Alchemy game for Android is endless fun and you can use all your logical mind to create more new substances. Trust your logical mind and avoid using cheat sheets for Alchemy game to enjoy this game most.

One Deadly Sister (Sandy Reid Mystery Series)
Advertisement - One Deadly Sister (Sandy Reid Mystery Series)

This bring to the end of this wonderful post. If you enjoy this Alchemy game post then you may want to read few more interesting posts about best and exciting Android apps in popular posts section. You may keep checking back here for more best apps for Android.

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