
Saturday, July 2, 2011

Best Android Dictionary App - With Thesaurus, Widget, Over 140,000 Words and Works Offline

This is one of the best, fastest, user friendly, free and feature packed Android dictionary. Best part of this Android dictionary is that it works in offline mode when you are not connected to internet. This can save lot of your money when you are roaming internationally. It provides many useful features which make your life easy when it comes to find the word you are looking for.

Advanced English Dictionary & Thesaurus : This nifty English dictionary is one of the fastest I have tried so far. The kind of features you find in this dictionary are all you may be looking for. Because it works when you are offline and not connected to internet, once installed on your Android phone, you will not look for paper-bound oxford english dictionary any more.

Download Android Dictionary Database For Offline Use : When you launch this dictionary then it prompts you to install the database for offline usage. Download takes some time but be patient and allow it to happen. Download functionality is well thought and does not start from scratch if download is paused or dropped for some reason. It resumes from where it was completed before. This makes downloading the database literally painless.

Android Dictionary App Word List And Word Meanings : Once database is downloaded and you start using the dictionary, you see the word list screen which is shown below.

Dictionary For Android - Word List
Dictionary For Android - Word List
You can swipe the word list to quickly scroll the words. You can also type the required word in the text box at the top of the screen. This view can be very handy when you just want to browse the dictionary and see which words you are not aware of. If you find any word which you are not aware of then you can tap it to see it's meaning. This would display the screen showing the meaning of that word as shown below.

Dictionary For Android - Word Meaning
Dictionary For Android - Word Meaning
As you see in above screen shot, it shows the various meanings of the given word. It gives the examples which illustrate the usage of the word in sentence. It provides the hypernyms, hyponyms, meronyms, related words and words similar to given word. Hypernym is more generic word. Hyponym is more specific word than a given word. Meronym is a word that names a part of a larger whole. For going back to word list from this screen press back button of your Android phone.

Quick Word Search With Android Dictionary App : As shown in screenshot below, you can quickly search the required word by typing in the text box at top of the word list screen.

Dictionary For Android - Quick Search
Dictionary For Android - Quick Search
It dynamically starts matching words while you are typing. The screenshot above is showing word Android while partially it is typed. When you see the required word in list below then you can tap it to see it's meaning. For example in above screen Android word can be tapped to see definition of Android and you can see the meanings "Humanoid" or "Mechanical man".

Android Dictionary App Menus : Screenshot below is displaying the menu of the Android dictionary. When you are at word list screen then press the menu button of your Android phone to see this menu. If you have not downloaded the database then you would see one extra menu here to initiate the download.

Dictionary For Android - Menu
Dictionary For Android - Menu

History menu allows you to see the word list which you have accessed previously. This can be useful when you want to refer the words which you have accessed previously. You can long press the word in history screen and remove it from history. This way, using history screen, you can create a study list of words to refer  back and memorize.

Settings menu allows you to set the text size to display the words and is very useful feature. You can also clear the cache and history from settings screen.

More dictionaries menu allows you to see and download other useful dictionaries and related apps from market. You can find dictionaries in other languages like German, Czech, Polish, Danish, Greek, Finnish, Croatian, Italian, Spanish, Turkish, Russian, Portuguese, Swedish, Norwegian and others.

Android Dictionary App Filters : When you tap Filter menu, you see "filter select dialog" as shown in screenshot below.

Dictionary For Android - Select Filter
Dictionary For Android - Select Filter 
You can select from available choices of filter namely Fuzzy, Wild Card, Keyword and Off. Select "Off" when you want to switch back from filter mode to normal word list mode. Lets see how fuzzy filter works. When you select fuzzy from above "filter select dialog" then you would see a word list screen with filter text box.

Dictionary For Android - Fuzzy Filter
Dictionary For Android - Fuzzy Filter
As you can see in above screen shot, when you select fuzzy filter option, you would have fuzzy filter text box at the top of the screen. Type the required word in this text box and go. You can see the list of words shown in above screenshot which are similar to word "love" and which are filtered using fuzzy technique. Tap any of the word if you want to see it's meaning. Remember, for going back to normal word list, go to Filter menu and select "Off".

Android Dictionary Widget : This Android dictionary app comes with very useful, word of the day widget, which you can place on your Android phone's home screen.

Dictionary For Android - Widget
Dictionary For Android - Widget
Above screenshot is showing the word of the day widget placed on home screen of the Android phone. You can tap the refresh button at the bottom of the widget to see the next word. This is very useful widget to improve your vocabulary. Whenever you have some free time you can just keep on tapping refresh button and adding more words to your vocabulary. You can tap this widget to launch the dictionary app with word meaning screen which explained earlier.

Vocabulary Cartoons: SAT Word Power
Advertisement - Vocabulary Cartoons: SAT Word Power
You can download this Android dictionary app from market of your choice. Once you install this dictionary for android then you would never look for paper-bound dictionary and it will be always in your palm. If you like this app then you may want to check few more wonderful and exciting Android apps from popular section at right. Also keep checking back for more best apps for Android.

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