
Saturday, September 10, 2011

Android Kindle Digital Books Reader - Read Fiction, Comics, Cooking, Fantasy, Humor, Thriller, Spiritual, Romance, Sports, Science, Travel and Computer E-Books On Move

There are many digital book readers in market today. They are also called e-book readers or electronic book readers. With advent of mobile smart phones these e-book readers are now also available for mobile phone users in form of apps. Now mobile users can enjoy reading books while they are on move. With e-book readers, you can carry with you your whole book library and read the books that you want, anytime and anywhere.

Android Kindle Books Reader : Android Kindle is one of the best and free e-book reader available today.   It is sophisticated and is from trusted source like Amazon. Kindle comes with it's own book store where you can search for the book you want from huge collection of books. It is very easy to get started with Android Kindle, just go to Android Market and install this free app to start reading books on your Android phone.

What Is Kindle : Before getting into details of Andoid Kindle, let's first see what is Kindle. Kindle is an innovative, portable and wireless e-book reader from Amazon.
Kindle, Wi-Fi, 6" E Ink Pearl Display

It is very sophisticated, handy and self sufficient device which allows you to read books, magazines, new papers, blogs and other content while on go. It comes with different configurations and it's cost vary depending on the configuration. Kindle is wireless book reader. It comes with Wi-Fi and 3G network connectivity options so that you can connect to Kindle store whenever required.

You can find more information about Kindle book reader at : Amazon Kindle In case you already have Kindle eBook reader and you want to buy accessories for your Kindle then you would find many fine Kindle accessories from covers to power adapters at :  Kindle Accessories

Apart from Kindle e-book reader shown above, Kindle reader app is available on different other platforms like PC, iPhone, Android and more. Once you buy a kindle book then you can read the same on any of these platform at your convenience.

Registering Your Android Kindle : You can download and install free Android Kindle app from Android Market or App store. You can download it for free from Amazon app store at : Kindle for Android. When you install and launch the Kindle app first time you would see following registration screen.

Register You Android Kindle
Register Your Android Kindle
If you already have an account then you can enter it in "Email address" and "Amazon password" text boxes shown in registration screenshot above. Tap register button to proceed. This is one time process and once done you don't have to enter this information again. In case you do not have account then you can create one at : Sign In

Buy Kindle Books For Your Android Kindle : When you install and run the kindle app on your Android phone first time then you would not find any interesting stuff to read there. You would need to buy few kindle books to read. If you want to find some nice kindle books to buy from large collections of books then get those at : Kindle eBooks

Free Kindle Books For Your Android Kindle : Before buying kindle books if you want to just try out the Android Kindle app then you can still find many free and classic books to read using Android Kindle. For downloading free Kindle books to your Android Kindle you can go to : Free Kindle Books

Kindle Books Download : When you go to Kindle Book Store using any of the links provided above then it is better to log in to Amazon using your Amazon account. We will see soon why this is important. When you find the book to buy / download and you are on the book description page like Blind Faith then look at the right hand side of the page for following box.
Kindle Books - Buy now with 1-Click
Kindle Books - Buy now with 1-Click
You can use this box to buy the books and deliver those to your Android Kindle app. Click the "Deliver to:" drop down box for the list of Kindle devices you have registered using account. If you have followed steps so far and registered the Android Kindle app and have logged into Amazon using same account then you would see your Kindle in drop down list box. Select it and click "Buy now with 1-Click" button. Follow the instructions to buy or download the book you wanted.

Android Kindle Home : Now when you start your Android Kindle app then it will automatically sync to download the book you have purchased, to your Android Kindle app. You will see Kindle home screen something similar to what is shown in screenshot below.

Android Kindle Book Reader - Home
Android Kindle Book Reader - Home
Here you can see all the books you have bought for your Android Kindle. The view of your Kindle app would be different depending on Kindle books which you have bought. You can buy or download more books following the link - Best Seller Kindle Books or earlier links provided above in this post. In above screenshot you can see two interesting kindle books Learn to Speak Japanese Quickly and Healing Short Stories

Android Kindle In Action : You can tap any of the book displayed in your Android Kindle app to start reading that book.

Android Kindle In Action
Android Kindle In Action
Above screen shot is showing the first chapter of the Kindle Book - Learn to Speak Japanese Quickly.

You can press the menu button of your Android Kindle ebook reader to see the menu. Using the menu you can fine tune behavior of your kindle. One of the important menu is "View Options". This menu allows you to choose the background color, brightness and font size of your Kindle reader.

If you are following me and have already installed the Kindle app on your Android and downloaded few exciting books to read then keep reading and enjoy. If you have not done it yet then go and install Kindle app and follow the instructions given in post to get started.

If you have liked this post then you may would like to read about few more wonderful and cool Android apps from popular section. Popular section is not visible to readers using mobile browsers and if you are reading this from your mobile browser then you can find more apps by tapping home at bottom of the page.

Keep coming back to read about more exciting, coolest and best apps for Android.

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