
Saturday, October 22, 2011

Android TV App 2 - Watch Live News, Music, Sport, Movies, Business And Entertainment TV Shows

This is one of the free and best TV Apps for Android. After installing this app on your Android phone, live TV would be just finger touch away from you. You would be able to watch news, movies, sports, music TV shows anytime and anywhere. This app comes with large collection of TV channels and it is absolutely free. This is the second TV app that is being presented to readers. You can read about two more exciting and free TV apps at - Android TV App 1 and Android TV App 3

TV App For Android - FilmOn TV : This app is simple to use and has large collection of online and offline channels. This TV app comes with movie channels, news channels and lifestyle channels like fashion TV. If you are looking for a specific TV show or channel on Android phone then check out this app and most likely you may find that TV show with this app.

Android TV - Types Of Channels : When you start this app, it displays splash screen. It takes some time to load and once loaded displays full screen ad. Press back button of your phone to close the ad and go to the types of TV channel screen.

Android TV App - List of TV Channels
Android TV App - List of TV Channels
As you can see this screen lists the categories of TV channels. You would find categories like Documentary, UK TV, Lifestyle, Music, Kids, Shopping, Education, Interactive, Asian, Horror, BattleCam TV, Latin, News, ET Europe, Sports, Movie, Free and Mind Body & Spirit.

Android TV - UK TV Channels : You can tap the category from the screen above to see the list of channels from that category. Tapping the category "UK TV" would launch the screen with list of "UK TV" channels.

Android TV App - UK TV Channels
Android TV App - UK TV Channels
There is a good collection of UK TV channels on this screen. TV icon at right of each channel name indicates that it is online TV channel. If this icon is not present against the name of channel then it is internet video channel. Here you would find TV channels like ITV2, BBC1, Channel4, Channel5, ITV1, BBC Two, ITV3, ITV4, E4, More 4 and "men and movies".

Android TV - Music Channels : When you tap the Music category then you would see the list of music channels.

Android TV App - Music Channels
Android TV App - Music Channels
On this screen you would find list of Music channels like "Urban Music Network", "The Country Network", Havoc, RockOn TV, ClubLand TV, 4 Music, Viva and "Music Legends TV". You must have noticed that there is TV icon at right side of few channel names and it is not there against few. As mentioned earlier the channels with icon are live TV channels. Channel without icon is internet video channel.

Android TV - News Channels : Tap the News category from the list of categories to launch screen with list of news channels.

Android TV App - News Channels
Android TV App - News Channels
You can see that there is a good collection of news channels and you would find here popular TV channels. You would find here BizTV, WeatherNation, NASA HD, Pentagon, "Ap Breaking News", "Russia Today", "BBC News", "Al Jazeera" and Bloomberg.

Android TV - Movies Channels : Tap the Movie category to display the screen with list of movie channels.

Android TV App - Movie Channels
Android TV App - Movie Channels
On this screen you would find movie channels like Cultra, Soundtrack, "My Family TV", "GrabBag TV", "Film 4" and "FilmOn Classics". Check out these TV channels specially "Film 4" to see movies live on your Android mobile phone. You can see classic movies on "FilmOn Classics" channel.

Android TV - Lifestyle Channels : Tap category "Lifestyle" to see the list of lifestyle channels. You would find channels like "ComedyTime TV", "Legacy TV", "Jewish Life TV", "Fashion TV", VMAS, "Unreliable Source", Motorz and "Wine Channel TV".

You can tap the channel that you want to watch. Tapping "Fashion TV" channel would launch the screen where live streaming of the fashion TV is played.

Android TV App - Fashion TV
Android TV App - Fashion TV
You can see in screenshot above that video quality of TV programs is good. You can tap the screen to see user controls. Use these user controls to zoom picture to full screen and change the volume level. For stopping the TV channel tap the "Stop" user control and then press the back button of your Android phone. This would bring you back to the list of TV channels.

You can download this app from Android Market or App Store of your choice and start enjoying these TV programs on go.  If you like this app then you may like to read other posts about more such wonderful apps here. Bookmark this url and keep checking back for more such exciting, coolest and best apps for Android.

As mentioned earlier, you can read about two more exciting and free TV apps at - Android TV App 1 and Android TV App 3

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