
Saturday, May 7, 2011

Android Music Player - With Equalizer, Lyrics, Album Art and Themes

This is one of the best Android Music Players which has those required features which Android lovers would love to have. It has all exciting funtionalities which you may be looking for namely equalizer ( eq ), themes, album art, lyrics and more.

In last post I talked about one of the best apps for downloading Wallpapers and Ringtones. If you have not yet read about it then you can find it at : Three coolest apps to download free Wallpapers for Google Android phone - Zedge Ringtones & Wallpapers

This is first post on Android Music Player. If you have not read about the second Android Music Player here then you can read about it at Android Music Player 2.

If you are looking for an internet radio for listening hours of streaming music then you can checkout one at : Radio App For Android - Listen Music You Love Anywhere And Anytime

PowerAMP : There are few great Android music players in market namely PowerAMP, PlayerPro and Audiogalaxy. PowerAMP is one of the best Android music apps that you can find in Android market. It has wonderful features like themes, equalizer, album art, lyrics and much more. It's user interface is amazing and cool. Just take a look at it once and you would fall in love with it. It is bit difficult to understand for first time users but if you read this article then you would get up to speed quickly and would be able to make most out of it in no time.

Android Music Player With Album Art : When you first time launch PowerAMP Music Player you would see following screen.

Android Music Player - PowerAMP
Android Music Player - PowerAMP
As shown in above screenshot, it displays the Album Art of the song if it is available. Immediately below the album art are buttons to play / pause the song and to navigate to next/previous song. Below the play buttons, at left, you can find Repeat button which you can tap to play the same song again and again. At right side, below the play buttons, you can see Shuffle button which you can tap to shuffle the songs in your playlist.

Android Music Player With Equalizer And Lyrics : At bottom left of the screen is EQU (Equalizer) button and you can tap it to switch it ON or Off. At bottom right corner of the screen is volume knob. This Music Player app also displays the Lyrics if those are available as shown in screenshot below.

Android Music Player - With Lyrics
Android Music Player - With Lyrics
You can read the lyrics of the song as it is being played. Above the EQU (Equalizer) button is progress bar of the player which you can drag to fast forward / backward the song to specific location that you want. Above it you can see the brief information of the song being played. Below the scroll bar and immediately to the left of the volume knob is the small display which shows you current Equalizer settings.

Android Music Player With Equalizer Presets : You can tap the PRE (Presets) button to set one of the predefined Equalizer settings. Tapping PRE button displays pop up shown in screen shot below.

Android Music Player - Equalizer Presets
Android Music Player - Equalizer Presets
There are plenty of preset equalizer settings which you can select, namely Classical, Dance, Rock, Pop and more. One of the presets called Phone Speaker (Loud) is especially useful. You can set this to play the songs with full volume with phone speakers. You can long press any of the preset to display context menu with buttons as shown in screenshot below.

Android Music Player - Preset Menu
Android Music Player - Preset Menu
The button at right, Delete button should be used with caution. It deletes the preset from the list. Tapping the Edit button launch the Preset Edit pop up as shown in screenshot below.

Android Music Player - Edit Preset
As shown in screenshot above you can edit the name of the preset using this screen. You can also assign the given preset to Speaker, Folder, Wired Headset, Current song or Bluetooth.

There were two buttons in  previous to above screenshot, Assign and Unassign which I have not explained yet. The Assign button provides you same Assign to functionality that we saw in Edit Preset screen above. Unasssign button allows you to remove all the assignments done for selected preset.

Android Music Player Playlist : On the first screen of the of the PowerAMP player, when you press menu button of your Android phone you can see the menus as shown in screenshot below.

Android Music Player - Menu
Android Music Player - Menu
Add To FL menu allows you to add a given song to playlist. Ringtone menu allows you to set the given song as your phone ringtone. Info menu displays a pop up as shown in screenshot below.

Android Music Player - Song Information
Android Music Player - Song Information
Apart from the song information displayed on this pop up, three more very useful functions are available here. Tapping Search button launches the internet browser and displays the Google search result for given song. Lyrics button would be enabled if Lyrics for the given song are available and tapping the Lyrics button displays the lyrics of the song.

Android Music Player As Music Manager : Edit Tags button is very handy feature and tapping this button displays the pop up as shown below.

Android Music Player - Edit Tags
Android Music Player - Edit Tags
You must have guessed how useful this feature can be for editing tags as you want and managing your songs in better way. This is one of the features which makes this app the best Android music manager as well.

Lets go back to app menus which we saw in one of the previous screenshots. I have to explain yet the remaining menus namely Delete, Folders/Lib, Equalizer, Settings and Help. Delete menu should be used with care as it can delete the song from your SD card. Folders/Lib menu displays Android Music Folder screen as shown in screenshot below.

Android Music Player - Music Folders
Folders displayed in this screen could be different on your phone. You can select which folders should be displayed here by using settings menu and we would see how to do it in a short while. Notice the two buttons Folders button and Library button at the bottom of the screen. You can tap these buttons to switch from Folders and Library screen. Tapping Library button displays the screen as shown below.

Android Music Player - System Library
Android Music Player - System Library
As you can see in screenshot above it displays the Android system library where all the Android music categories are displayed. You can quickly browse and select the songs using these various categories.

Android Music Player Equalizer : Lets go back to remaining app menus which I have not explained yet, Equalizer, Settings and Help. Help menu displays help of the PowerAMP Music Player app. I am going to explain Settings menu in a short while.   Before that lets see Equalizer menu. When you tap Equalizer menu or tap volume knob or tap equalizer display on main player screen then it launches a Equalizer screen as shown below.

Android Music Player - Equalizer
Android Music Player - Equalizer
You can drag Vol, Treble and Bass knobs on this screen to modify those settings of equalizer. You can tap Tone button to switch it ON or OFF. Similarly you can tap EQU (Equalizer) button to switch it ON or OFF. PRE button launches Preset screen which we saw earlier. Save button allows you to save your Equalizer settings. Reset would reset all changes. Above these buttons Equalizer wave form is displayed. If you notice, there are two small arrows on this wave form. That part of the wave form is sliding window and you can drag it to display remaining wave form. It also scrolls the sliders in top area of the screen. You can drag the various slider knobs as you want for creating your equalizer setting.

Android Music Player App Settings : Now lets see last and remaining settings menu. When you tap the settings menu it displays the settings screen as shown below.

Android Music Player - PowerAMP Settings
Android Music Player - PowerAMP Settings
There are lot many useful and powerful settings provided by PowerAMP app and you can see those all in leisure. I want to talk about two of the settings which are useful and interesting. First is Theme settings option. You can tap Theme settings option to change the theme of your PowerAMP Android Music Player app to Matte Metal, Aluminium, White Plastic or Black Neon. Second interesting and useful option is Music Folders which is not displayed in above screenshot and can be seen by scrolling down. You can tap Music Folders option to launch the pop up as shown below.

Android Music Player - Music Folders
Android Music Player - Music Folders
You can mark the check boxes ON for the folders that contains MP3 files or other music files and you want  those to be shown in Music folders screen. We saw the Music screen earlier when I talked about Folders/Lib menu.

You can download PowerAMP Music Player app from Android market or Android store of your choice and start playing Android MP3 songs.

If you find this app interesting then you may like to read a post on second such wonderful Android Music Player app at Android Music Player 2.

If you are a true music lover and want to create your own music library beyond storage space of your Android device. And if you want to never worry about deleting old songs to store new ones then you should seriously look at the innovative "Amazon MP3 Store, Cloud Player & Cloud Drive". Check out this video to know about it right away.

Learn how to use cloud player from your Android phone in video below.

Find out more about Cloud Storage and Cloud player.

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