
Thursday, March 24, 2011

Ten Best Apps For Android : App 10 - Solitaire

In last post I had presented a very handy and useful app, Barcode Scanner. You must have downloaded it and tried it out to quickly find the right required information using barcodes. I hope you may be using it now in malls to checkout the best price of the products in online stores and may be saving money.  That was ninth of the best apps for Android from series of ten that I am presenting here. Today I am presenting the tenth and last of the best apps for Android.

In case you are visiting this post directly and have missed earlier nine best apps for Android then you can read those at following links :

Today's app is the one which people would like to have it on their phone in order to kill the free time whenever they are waiting for someone or at someplace. If you have this app on your phone then waiting for someone or in queue for your turn to come, would not be such a problem any more. Just pull out your Android phone and launch the Solitaire app and time would fly.

Solitaire : This one is a very simple and useful app for Android users of all age. Though the name is Solitaire, apart from regular Solitaire game that we see on windows PC there are other games, Spider, Freecell and Forty Thieves. Yes, it gives multiple games in one single app. Best part is, it is free.

If you have played Solitaire already on Windows PC then you would feel at home because the user interface of this game is same as Windows game. You would start enjoying it with no time. Even if you have not played Solitaire before you could learn it quickly and start enjoying it.

When you launch the game by tapping its app icon, the first screen would be displayed. If you are old fan of Solitaire then you would start playing it straight away.

Solitaire Game on Android Phone
Above screenshot displays the first screen of the Solitaire game. You can see how similar it is to Windows PC game. You can drag and drop the cards using your fingers. To deal the new cards tap the deck at the top right hand corner of the phone. It is very easy and entertaining. There are quite a few options to tweak the behavior of this app.

Solitaire App Options
Above screenshot displays the various options available for you to tweak the app behavior. These options are explained below:
  • Display Time : This option either displays or hides the time duration from when you are playing the game
  • Deal 3 Cards / Deal 1 Card : This option allows you to choose how many cards to deal when you tap the deck. 
  • Normal Style / Vegas Style : This option allows you to choose from Normal vs Vegas style.
  • Normal Card Art / Large Card Art : This option allows you to choose if you would like to see the normal card art like the one on Windows game or would like to see large card art. Large card art would be specifically useful for people who like to enjoy the game without straining their eyes.
Solitaire Game with Large Card Art
Above screenshot displays the Solitaire game with Large Card Art selected in games options settings. You can see how it would help to enjoy the game without straining your eyes. Other options available are "Spider Options" and "Auto Move". Spider option allows you to choose from One, Two or Four Suits.  Auto move option allows you to make some of the moves auto. You could easily understand it once you use it. I personally like "Never" option for Auto Move.

You may would like to see the Solitaire Android app in action in video given below and you could see what all is there to enjoy.

So that was tenth and last of the best apps for Android from this series of ten best apps. You can download Solitaire from Android Market for free and start having fun wherever you are. This brings me to end of this ten best app series. I am sure you must have enjoyed it as much as I did.

As mentioned earlier, if you are visiting this post directly and have missed earlier nine best apps for Android then you can read those at following links :

I would keep writing about more exciting and wonderful best apps for Android phone. Keep coming back and check frequently for reading about more exciting and wonderful apps.

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